Its well into 8 weeks now since the surgery and I never appreciated how long it actually takes to heal. I am not sure if I am brave enough to put skin photos up yet.
Suffice to say, I still have quite red looking scar lines and stitches poking out in some places. When I got back home I was very careful to have lots of rest - sitting and lying down - nearly killed me - but I knew how important it was for swelling. I was rewarded each day with a lessening tummy and breasts deflating toward the D cup promised. ( sort of a bit sad to see my very large perky ones go....big smiles.)
One side of my tummy and my new belly button is still very swollen and I am still wearing the constrictive bandaging 23 hours a day. However - they are very loose now and its sort of losing the impact.
I have gone from a size 26 ( getting on the plane 8 weeks ago) to currently a size 18/20. I've done no exercise so far. I boogied and did some dancing the kitchen last night and was punished with swollen breasts and sore tummy withing an hour. I feel so great and wonderful and was seriously thinking of going back to my dance classes next week. I guess not huh?
I feel amazing and delight in wearing hipster jeans and a tight tshirt - grinning like an idiot at my flat stomach. Although I still have the very unsexy undergarments on - I feel fab.
I plan to continue to keep a weekly diary here to inform any who pop over - on my recovery and my thoughts.
please do comment and ask me questions - more than happy to answer!