I will write a big reflective piece in July - 1 year on from the surgery - but heres my thoughts 6 months afterwards.
yes - it was worth it - what price do you put on your life? your joy? your confidence? I truly believe I was given 10 years wind back of the clock.
Pain? after the surgery I had access to the best pain relief ever - and could have had as much as I liked for longer than I did. The staff were brilliant, kind, understanding and supportive. I will never regret going where I did or doing what I did.
The effect? - brilliant!! love love love it. to be picky though - my belly button is skew wiff and I am lopsided a little on the stomack area. However I have quite a few pounds to shed before I can really assess if its just me or the surgery....
Afterwards - my stitches are all but gone - the lines are distinctive - but those who see them in the intimate places they are in have no business commenting...
Recovery - I thought I could do more than I can and put my recovery back a bit by overdoing it all... I am ready now to get back into my dancing and marital arts classes. In saying that - especially around my stomach area it is still senseless.I've been to accupuncture a few times and that seemed to work a bit on regaining sense in the area.
to sum up. I completely love my perky breasts and love the fact I can walk around with no bra - despite the size and not worry about droop. I feel so much more confident and able to cope with more.
The surgery has given me a new lease on life and a confidence I would never have been able to recapture. Its all fine and well to say - just go to the gym or get a personal trainer and you will lose weight and then you'll feel confident. Perhaps that works for other people. It didnt; for me. I just got despondent and hungry, bitter and depressed.
One thing I will say though. Other people don't notice what you look like.. really. its both comforting and depressing.
I have been up and down with my eating plan since the surgery and so far have lost 27 kgs. Christmas season and family holiday will not and has not assisted -but I also made the decision not to get stressed about it and eat what and when I wanted... and guess what? I went mad for a day... and then got back onto sensible eating.
Given this though - I've seen alot of my family and far flung friends lately... who have not know what I have been through - or even that I have been to hospital or had surgery... and hardly anyone has commented. not said a word - not - wow you look nice today - or you look great.....
27 kgs .. far out - thats a fair amount - but obviously not enough to make me look any different to what they percieved me to look in their minds eye. ... now that is depressing...
the take away from this though - for you - my reader... don't do this for anyone but you... becasue no-one else will notice .. only you..... do it for you.