Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Recovery and Reshaping

Its been a while since I updated my progress files here.

I have been frustrated with the length of time I am taking to recover. My stitching etc is perfect - with the use of an aloevera product I have - it took almost no time to bond together and the lines are fading quickly.

I had in my mind that I would be ready to go back to fitness classes and dance etc within 6 weeks. Sadly - for at least my case - its not so. I have noticed that even with days I do the shopping and carry in a box of groceries - or go out and do a bit more walking about than just sitting at home - I will swell up.

Its so frustrating to see my tummy- which had been getting flatter and a better shape than I have in more than 20 years - to suddenly balloon - as though I were 9 months preg.

I'm being super careful about food intake and water.

In saying all of this though the scales are still going downward every week. I have a goal to reach before my birthday - and that bikini still hanging on the doorway. Regardless of me achieving my goal or not - I will take a photo of me in it and post it up.... now there is a public challange!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Neshamah, I have received the Restored Getaways newsletter with your story and I would love to contact you via email to ask some questions as I am facing the same dilemma. My email is outofinterest@hotmail.com
I hope you don't mind me popping up out of nowhere. Cheers Stephanie