just feeling crappy. depressed and scared and unsure and generally nervous and unsure and.. everything...Told my mother in law that I was going into hospital for a few weeks but didn't want to talk about it any more - at least she respected my want to be private. I owe her that at least.
major dramas with care of kids though - they were to go to my mums - but now Dad has to go into surgery - Pretty stressful major emergency type thing) and is booked in half way through while I am gone. trying to work round a bunch of options - can't have kids here with hubby - no after school care available here and trying to get the younger one into longer term day care -- impossible.... anyway - looks like she is going to ask one of her neighbours who has kids to look after my two for two nights - hubby will drive up ( 3 hours) and look after them over the weekend and then hand them back to neighbour for one or two nights.
Poor little squeeks... they are resilliant and I jsut hope they are ok...
crappy crappy snappy .. not worth talking to.
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